It’s been some time from doing a Proper post, but I was so excited by the last Fat Positive Clothes Swap,in feburary, I had to rush take pictures and show you.

By the way, these pics have:


Me with makeup! lol. For those who dont know its snapchat, not my bad makeup skills.


Which I clearly needed for some of these items. But I don’t really care I just had to share. Tbh, I don’t wear much support underwear anyway.
So here are some of my favourite items and I just can’t wait to get out there to show them off.


Taking pictures in the wrong light, is something that i do all the time and i really need to sort out my poses, if anyone wants to give me lessons in how to take a decent picture, please let me know.

Can I also big up my Asos mens shoes, as they were in the January sale and I wish I ordered more than one pair.



So i have my dress that i wore today and love so much, the colour, the cut and the length is beautiful and works well with my figure.


Here i have a dress thats a little big, but im sure with the right black belt, it will look  better.



Now, I have never owned a scarlet and Jo dress and now i have one.


OK, yes i didnt iron the dress. i really couldnt be bothered.


This dress is a sainsbury TU, and i have fallen in love with every inch of it.

Below id a simply volumptious dress, the chest area is my favorite. and my hair is getting messy as we go down the pictures. ROLL EYES!


Only god knows what i was looking for.



I saw this cardigan (im a cardigan lover) and skirt and just had to pick them up, both items are knitted. Like who has a knitted pencil skirt, in blue at that.





I also want to thank those whos clothes these items were originally, if it wasnt for you i wouldnt be a happy bunny right now.

Heres a link to my YouTube channel, for more information about the swap and what happens when you get there.






Xxx Fran xxX

Loveracing25, you need to see her on that pole. 👏👏👏👏 :)

I have found a plus size pole dancer who seems to be my new girl crush, I know I have done a post about plus size pole dancers before but none are quite like this one (well I think so anyway). She had me watching her YouTube channel for over an hours the other day and all I could think about was making sure I put a blog post up about her.

The way she moves on the pole is amazing, she has such grace and moves just a fluently as the “normal” sized pole dancer. Loveracing25 shows you her practice, the hard days, her work rainy days practice and alot of humour. Its not all about showing how good she is, you see how hard she works to get to the level that she has, and she just seems like a lovely woman, some of the song choices are just on point to.


She goes by the name off Loveracing25 and you can find her on twitter, YouTube and Instagram, I don’t even know her name. But what I do know, is that this girl don’t get enough publicity in her expertise on pole.

instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loveracing25/



I’m guessing all who reads my post understand by now, that I love discussing things that are relating to the subject of sex, 😜 but this post is simply about praising someone who has put practise, effort, dedication (and all those positive and inspiring words) into something that many folk out there would say, she shouldn’t be doing because of her size. Loveracing25’s earliest post was 6 years ago and you can see how far she has come from her post to date.

I love the art of pole dancing but seeing a woman who is plus size dance so elegantly on a pole just makes my heart filled with joy. And I feel if anyone can inspire a size 14+ person jump on that pole and perform it will definitely be Loveracing25.


NOTHING BUT LOVE FROM ME SUGA. 👏👍💪👊👌 Go subscribe guys.


Xxx Fran xxX



ME, HER AND THEN HIM. Talking from the heart! ❤


ME, HER AND THE HIM. Talking from the heart!

I found this Q&A from a post on the internet and really wanted to share it with you. My writing is in the BLACK, (im just putting in my ten pence piece, don’t mind me 💰) The lady who posted the question is in the BLUE and the man who comments to it, is in RED.


The woman who originally posted the question wanted to know!

 Are you a man in love with a fat girl?

If you are, I would really love to hear about what attracts you to her, and what keeps you in love!

I’m a fat woman. I’m about a size 16 American, and I have a boyfriend that physically speaking is well out of my league. He’s younger than me (29, I’m 36), tall, slim, elegant, blond, good looking, easily an 8 out of 10. I find him attractive to the point of distraction.

Emotionally we connect on every level and he swears up and down that I make him happy, that he loves me, and that I meet his needs. I ask him if he loves me and he gathers me up in his arms, laughs, kisses me all over my face and says ‘of course!’ And I do believe him. He treats me like gold.

But, given the disdain and hatred directed at fat woman, I still reel at the thought that I could be loved and found attractive – by anyone really, yet alone a good looking man. Or, actually, that anyone could not just tolerate my body, but actively desire it.

If you love a fat woman – what is it about her that keeps you coming back for more?


Ok! About the above, It was nice for her to share her experience, so often women have insecurities, we can sometimes feel that we are unlovable let alone being a plus size person. One of the replies was the man below that stuck to me from all the comments like a saw thumb, but in a good way.

And why are messed up people, always have time to fill pages with hate, I just have enough time to write this blog post, let alone go on a sites, to justify and argue about how much I hate fat women. Like really, what’s your beef?

 Mans reply to comment 🏆

Don’t be fooled by the hate. There are plenty of men that find fat, chubby, curvy, whatever you want to call it, women extremely attractive. I’m one of them.
It’s not that most people support the hatred, it’s just that the ones that do are more vocal about it than the ones that don’t.

 SO TRUE! We seem to think that we are not worthy of the love of a good looking, fine, sexy man. Or that a thin man could possibly find us attractive too.

 So as usual I’m gonna use food to demonstrate. We all have different taste in restaurants, but at the end of the day, if you like it, you like it and that’s it. Why would you force yourself to have food from somewhere that you don’t like or if a resturant gets publicized in the media, we should all automatically love it and go there all the time? You may walk past a resturant you have never been to and see food that looks nice, and possibly think about visiting it one day. You don’t automatically rule it out just because it’s not a franchiese

So many men are finding that they like what they like, and don’t give a shit as to what anyone says. I put the fear of openly loving a type of person down to what society seems to deem acceptable, 9 times out of 10.

Does maturity play a part in openly saying that you find yourself attracted to a plus size woman?


Why would you deny yourself of possible happiness, when you can identify that you are attracted to something that isn’t classed as the “NORM” but worried about what others will say about your personal life.

And why to the haters always have to fill pages of hate, I just have enough time to write this blog post let alone go on sites and argue about how much I hate fat women, what’s your beef?

He continues 👍

The fact is though, you don’t need to convince yourself that he loves you and finds you attractive. You need to love yourself and find yourself attractive. Until you can look in the mirror and like what you see, you will continue to find it hard to believe what he says.

If you want to stay the weight you are, that’s great. Own it, flaunt it. Think about what you love most about your body or looks and wear clothes, makeup, etc. that flaunt those features and make you feel most attractive.
When you feel attractive, it will boost your confidence and make you feel better overall.

If, on the other hand, you don’t want to stay the weight you are, that’s great too. Make the changes you need to make to be happy. Whether it’s losing weight, building muscle or just generally toning up.

At the end of the day, all that matters is that you’re happy in your own skin.

This made me so happy, I couldn’t have said it better myself. Many of us plus size ladies (women in general) seem to rely on someone else expressing our worth, our beauty, or essence. If we find it ourselves, we no longer need anyone to validate it for us. It’s so nice to hear this from a man tho, other than mine, lol. So many women help empower each other which is how it should be, but sometimes listen to a guy speak sense seems to resonate a little further at times.

Don’t get me wrong, having a partner that loves you and make you feel good will always contribute to boosting your confidence.

We are all human, we won’t feel confident all day, every day. We will standardly get those days when you feel but ugly and this bitch ass body don’t want to fit in any item from the wardrobe. Your eyebrows have taken on the shape of the zig zag lines in the road, you’re on your period and that high wasted skirt you got looks hideous, cos your belly looks so bloody big. But that’s OK.

What you don’t need is to constantly bash yourself to the ground till there is no way to get back up again.

And a lot of men are not as shallow as we think, he could fall in love with your personality first and not see your weight at all, usually there will be a level of physical attraction, but so many people fall in love with someone that isn’t their “normal type”, that maybe colour or shape, that was not typical to what they are usually attracted to.


But the beauty within this, is that you saw the person’s soul first, which is really what love is all about. A person can’t be happy with someone who has good looks and a complete shit of a personality. And if that’s what is important to you, THE LOOKS! We may need to sit down and have a little chat, email me, I’ll make the time, for you especially.✌

To the guy that commented on this post, I just want to say, your partner is lucky to have you, if you have one and you her. I hope men that read this post find support in loving a plus size woman with pride, and ladies who read your comment find strength finding their own beauty.

And lastly the lady who posted the question in the beginning, it seems like you have a great guy there. Let him love you and love yourself too. Those words of disbelief is not good for your soul. I’m sure you are everything that he says you are and you are everything that you will soon discover about your beautiful self.

 All pictures are from pintrest.

Xxx Fran xxX

NEW YEAR NEW VIEW! GET CurveSomeYoga INTO A NEW YOU, for FREE! In London Only.



I am so new into this yoga game and when TRYING to do it at home, I never know if I am doing it right. But with the feeling that it gives me, I feel I need to just keep on going.

Thanks to Facebook, I was able to attend a Curvesome yoga class. All info on my experience is linked below.


So as it’s soon 2016, I vowed to really keep my promise to my body, to at least do Yoga twice a week and being an ambassador of the Curvesome Yoga I really need to practice what I preach.


LUCKILY Donna Noble the founder of Curvesome Yoga told me about her plans for January 2016, which will help me keep this two day a week promise to myself for the next 6 weeks, which starts next week.


Donna will be having an online course of yoga twice a week and at the end of the course all who have been participating, will be attending an actual event to do yoga on the last day. This already feel like it will be a lot of fun. Yoga in your home and the fact that Donna can advise, help and support you through it, is a great opportunity for many. the only sad thing is that this is only for those who live in London.


This is the start that I need. With my schedule so busy, especially with 3 children and being self-employed, this is a great opportunity to keep being active in yoga.



If you would like to take part, then please contact Curvesome yoga, and please remember that no matter what size you are or whatever you feel your limitations may be, Donna will always have an alternative position for you to do. Do contact Donna if you have any questions, as she will be able to make you feel at ease to enable you to take part. click on the link below.




I have to be honest, I would rather get to go to the Curvesome Yoga class more often, as they are so much fun and everyone who attends really encourages each other, but being able to take part live is the next best thing.


heres a little video to help you ssee what Curvesome Yoga is all about if your not very sure what to expect. I hope to see some of you taking part in the online course and possibly at the end of cource event.  But remember its free, so its a good way to see how Curvesome Yoga works for you.

Xxx Fran xxX





Swap Till You Drop! Fat Positive London.

Caring is Sharing. So have a read and watch the YouTube link, LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT! And let me know if your coming to the next Fat Positive Clothes Swap. All information is given on the video.


Finding out what’s going on in the plus size community can be difficult at times, especially if you’re not a part of the Plus size bloggers seen or in any kind of social media group.


Enter a caption

I got 4 of these tops from the swap, all from yours clothing and all different colours, perfect for work wear.



So that’s why Kurve Kit dedicates itself to sharing all plus size information, with all who wants it or needs support in living a plus size life.

Getting current information can be hard work and you have to make it a mission to be in the know. It’s be bad enough finding clothes let alone anything else. It’s only been the last 6-8 years, that I have been able to find clothing that fits in my price range and understand what works well for me and my body.

Swap item, Primark owl top, I so love it!


When I started The Kurve Kit I came across the fat positive clothes swap on twitter, this just sounded like a great idea and it wasn’t too far for me to travel to. It was nice to get rid of all the clothes that I had piled up, just sitting there, that was way too good to throw and things that still had tags on.


When I got there I was in shock, with how easy it was to get around and understand how it all works and I also got chatting to some lovely folk who really seemed to be helpful and complimentary when trying on items.

I was able to take a picture of Kirsty one of the organiser (Alongside Claire who I haven’t had the pleasure to meet yet).

The lovely Kirsty one of the Organisers


Kirsty was happy for me to promote the event on The Kurve Kits social media sites. They also have food at the swap so if you want a bite to eat, you have the option.



When attending my forth Fat Positive Clothes Swap, I thought it was time to share the true essence of the swap. It wasn’t just about swapping clothes, it’s about acceptance, community, coming together and so much more.

While interviewing the wonderful, Michelle and Tukru who are just so endearing and sweet. They were able to express how they feel about the swap and also Kirsty explaining the reasons why it started in the first place, which also shocked me, because this has been happening for a years. 


Another swap item, Jacket from Lane Bryant, I was so happy and its made so well



Clothes swaps have been a trend for some time, but I know that I would never find items for my size at any old swap that wasn’t specifically for the plus size.  I can’t shout enough from the roof tops how great these days are, and I am actually happy to spend the day there. What’s even better is that friends who are size 16 plus, give me the items that they don’t want but still in good condition, to take along also. Along as I have my car and petrol,  I will continue to attend and give clothes. And when I get home and an item don’t fit or look exactly how I expected, it goes in a black bag and I take it right back to the next swap ready to be given a new home.


Hope you enjoyed the video, please share, like or subscribe to the channel, so you are constantly up to date with what I find on the streets of London and if you know of anything that we would enjoy let me know and i will help spread the word too.

One of my ultimate favorites from the swap, Asos Curve dress.


Xxx Fran xxX

My music doesnt see size, it just hits my heart ! Chillin Playlist

In the first episode of Kurve Konfidential on YouTube, I said I had a music play list for when i getting ready to go out.

This will consist of all different types of songs, but it’s usually upbeat and meaning full, to me.but the thing i love about my music, is that it doesnt see size or colour and its just something that entres straight to your soul.

We all have dramas in your life, no matter what it is, music always makes me feel better. And especially when I’m feeling at my fattest. I find myself cocooned in my room, tidying it up while singing and/or dancing my heart out. Tidying can take hours because I’m to busy looking for more songs on YouTube or SoundCloud.

I’m not gonna lie, I find using my room an excuse to everyone, so I can just be with my music and myself.

Music is a personal affair for me, I’m happy to share songs with friends but I hate listening to music with people, I get sunk into every word and feel listening to music with others can take that away and invade my space. Maybe someone would say I go to deep when listening to music, but it’s a natural reaction for me.

Words, key changes, and the instruments all gets me locked. I can have a conversation with someone and as soon as a good song comes on I’m gone, I no longer understand what that persons saying. If it’s a song I have never heard before, I then get me phone out, find my Shazam app, wait anxiously for it to get the name of the song, once that has been done, I can then focus on the person who I was having a conversation with.

Music has comforted me when I have gone through hard times. I just thought that this was just a phase as a teenager, but I’ve done this through my whole life. The comfort I get from having a good music session is amazing.



No it’s not the same as going to a club and dancing nonstop and I really do mean NON-STOP all night, which I my second favourite music related thing to do. But being still with music on loud or with your headphones give me space. I think I find music intimate, a song can take me to places where I haven’t been, you could say it’s similar to a book.  I also seem to make up music videos for songs lol, I know it’s sad. I often give music all of my attention, even down to the lyrics.


Another thing that makes me happy and excited is discovering that the song completely changes half way through, till the point that you think you’re listening to a brand new song sometimes.



Do you ever get those times when you’re feeling a certain way and a song comes on to completely explain exactly how your feeling, it happens so often. It’s like god is saying “Yes my chid, it’s OK to feel this way and I understand”.


TBH, I think I’m quite OCD when it comes to my music, which is fine. Wish I was like this with me car and keeping it tidy.

Anyway hope you like my play list. It’s just a few songs that I can’t stop listening to at the moment.


Let me know how music benefits you, or just your own relationship with your music.

Xxx Fran xxX





Yesterday, I peel the potatoes in excitement while having to remind myself that chips take time. I peel more than needed, knowing that they have to be cooked and eaten.

You could ask why I don’t just go to chip shop? Back in the day on a Friday evening and having to wait in line to get your cod and chips, used to be a buzz when the kids were little, that was their highlight of the weekend.

Getting them on the bikes, to take the walk down the road to Michaels on hainault road.

My mum used to make chips and I was only able to have what I was given, chips wasn’t a thing you could ask more of. Once she had peeled those potatoes and we had eaten, then that was it. But as an adult I control those potatoes, I make the decisions as to how many I get, I peel and cut what I want. But being an adult don’t help, at times I wish me mum would do me chips just to make sure I don’t get out of control.

The reason why I know it’s a problem, is because I will make sure everyone gets a nice amount, then we will all eat our chips, but the whole house knows that mum has put on more chips, that will be ready to eat after she has finished. I will sometimes have a plate of chips and nothing else, apart from salt. I don’t want anything to spoil the flavour, unless it compliments them. Maybe a nice slice of wholemeal bread or a bit of French stick. Last night I had the most succulent bit of chicken that was cooked for me and I made sure I only ate one piece, so there was enough to have with my other set of chips.

I know this may sounds so disgustingly greedy but, there are not a lot of things that do this to me.

Grapes, but frozen.


This is a new thing, I was introduced to this frozen grape thing while at my old workplace last year. A colleague/ friend? Asked if I have had grapes frozen before. My face was confused and I didn’t get it. I’m a general red grape kind of girl anyway and will sit and eat a whole bunch happily. Sometimes I like to peel the skin of slowly and take little bites, to then eat the grape and take in every inch of flavour.

We went and put some in the freezer, so I could see what it was all about and then I had the experience.


It tasted really good! but like my music, there are a few things I need to try on my own to really understand how good it is.

So a few months ago I had grapes in the house, (unfortunately when I have fruit at home, which is weekly, my kids just go wild. I made the mistake by telling them, when they were younger, that they don’t need to ask me for fruit, they can just take it.

Well! That was when fruit was cheap but they still remind me of that saying, every time I start to shout, who has eaten all the bloody fruit.)

So I decided to hide the grapes in the freezer because no one would look in there, well oh my god, how good were they. And I mean they were orgasmic, i ate them one by one, rolling them around my mouth, as my teeth can sometimes be sensitive and then finally biting into the textured hard grape that was freezing cold, while you could feel it travelling down your stomach and give you goose bumps. I denied this for so long, but to tell the truth, it takes me a while to process things.


For example I could try someone’s whiskey and tell someone that’s not better than my cider, they may observe me drinking and tell me, Fran you don’t like cider as much as you say you do, because you tend to never finish it, and I would say no I love cider and then later down the line, I would finally realise I don’t really like cider as much as I thought.

And then ponder on whether I should try a bit of whiskey to see if I like that. Yes I am owning my flaws, unlike some people.

Since that day, grapes have been a new regular treat for myself. But unfortunately the kids have now started to take part too. And when I have that first grape from the frozen bunch, I think of my friend who opened my eyes to something new, maybe one day I will tell them how I really feel about frozen grapes but until then, I’m keeping quiet.


So my new thing is not to have the seconds on the chips, I need to understand that I don’t need it. Just because you love something so much over indulgence is somewhat of a sin.

And as for the grapes, they have just got to keep on coming. Trust me, rain, sun, sleet or snow, I’m gonna keep them grapes in the freezer and continue to eat as much as I like.

Let me know what your food addiction is.


Xxx Fran xxX

Fat With Short Hair, Because I Dont Care. 💇✌💪✂🏆

Being apart of a plus size closed group brings up a lot of questions. And one got me thinking about the saying that, fat people shouldn’t have short hair.

This grated me, more so because I have had short hair for over 18 years now.


Don’t get me wrong, it’s a fact that some hairstyles do look better, due to face shape but fat people have all different face shapes.


Is it a saying, that society likes to use to contribute to putting down fat people. It’s bad enough being dictated to, in regards to fashion and colours that we shouldn’t wear. God forbid you have short hair too.


My hair has had colour, been straight and also naturally curly and I have had many different levels of short trust me. due to hearing fat people shouldn’t have short hair, has also had me thinking that my hair shouldn’t be cut to low, due to my size in the past.


This also got me thinking, when going to a hair salon, do all stylist support the fact that a fat person can go short too. Will their beliefs determine if they do a good job or not. I mean, if a hair stylist doesn’t  feel that fat person can go short, will they do a good job to the look you want. Will you be able to turn up to the salon and say ” I’m tired of long hair, I want it short, set me free” and know that the finish look will have you jumping on the bar stall and doing you best dance moves, cos your feeling hot as hell. I’m not so sure.


Lucky for me, I haven’t been to a hairdresser in 18 years. Reason being, they were the first to cut my hair short and done the most worst job in the world. So since then, my sister has always cut my hair and I can leave her to do her magic, as I have nothing but confidence in her.


As time has gone on or it maybe the fact that in have gotten older. I seem to not give a shit about how short my hair is. As long as I like it and it’s had a good cut, I’m happy.

If you’ve heard any fat short hair stories or have heard some nasty comments on fat people and short hair, comment and let me know.

Xxx Fran xxX

Kurve Kit Presents Kurve Konfidential

So this weekend, The Kurve Kit YouTube channel started, with the new series Kurve Konfidential.

The Keys To Confidence, Episode 1 Part 1 of Kurve Konfidential.

I’m so excited, I have some lovely ladies on there and I just can’t wait to have regular content up. We have so much in store.

I have wanted to do this for some time and things are moving in the direction I want them to go. I have so much support its unreal and people who are helping with sending out the messages that I want to get out their.

This has never been about me. Only the Kurve Kit WordPress blog gives you most of my thoughts and feelings that I need to get of my chest. But with the YouTube, Twitter,  and Facebook pages are mainly soley focused on the plus size community. Bare in mind a lot of what I say, share, and talk about can be very relative to the slim community too, as its not only the plus size community that have challenges in their lives.

I also want to thank these beautiful souls, for supporting the beginning of something new and special, I just hope that you all will feel the same way. Please Subscribe, Like, Comment  and Share.

Judi Love

Tanya B

Kat Henry

Michelle Carter

Likwid design solutions

All links to their pages are on the YouTube description box and on the Episodes.

Plus all my family and friends that honestly believe in all I do and support me in reaching my goals. If it wasn’t for you guys, I don’t know where I would be right now.

I honestly hope you enjoy The Kurve Kit on YouTube and if you don’t let me why. And once again thank you all for reading, watching, supporting, commenting and sharing. I love you guys, it’s because of you why I keep going.

Xxx Fran xxX

How Naked selfies and other beautiful plus size bodies are helping me accept mine. 🙈🙊💪👍👌🙌

Apart of my plus size journey is getting used to seeing myself, all of myself. So I have been taking selfies on a regular basis. But trying to get the best angle is a nightmare.

Getting used to the size of your face or body takes time. You see everyone else in a picture and they look normal, but when looking at yourself, this seems to be very alien, when your not used to it. So this leed me to embarked on my selfie journey.



A very good friend and I send pictures to each other without much clothes on, more so her than me, Lol. Which has been very helpful, as we both give positive commentary in regards to what we see. My friend suggested we need to get looking at other women’s plus size bodies.

This may not help everyone, I REPEAT, This isn’t something that will work for everybody.

There will be many people with their opinions and reasons why this won’t work for everyone, can I just remind those of you who want to start moaning. I didn’t say it will work for everyone, but it’s worked for me OK, and its my blog and I will say what the F📢🔊K I like.


I’m now going to be very honest, 🙊 I looked at plus size pornography 😱😁 as I wanted to really see what other ladies look like. And I’m not ashamed to say it, it’s there and I needed to see if my body is as different or as odd shaped as I thought. 😯

Can I stress, I’m not a lesbian 😂😂😂, just in case anyone has been wondering. I wanted to see folds, Big thighs, big breast, big arms, that hasn’t been choppped, changed or made smaller.

I needed to see real plus sized natural bodies. I needed to see something real as my mind has been conditioned with all these “so called” perfect bodies. Which didn’t look anything like mine or anyone else’s that I know.


This got me thinking about how my mind wasn’t able to process how good my body is, due to the unavailability of bodies like mine.

But there are more and more places on the internet that show plus size bodies, to help society in get to grips with real bodies of all shapes and sizes


I don’t suggest everyone do this. But it did help me, in the sense of seeing that my body shape and size really wasn’t as alien as I thought and to be honest, having three kids and including a C section, it isn’t as bad at all. 🙂


I regularly compliment a woman on how good she looks, no matter what size she is. So I need to be able to compliment my own. So be careful where you look if you do decide to. It’s best to find stills of plus size naked women and you can find this nearly anywhere all over the internet, trust me. But I also bet you will see many bodies that are very similar to yours.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER IS , that you are not doing this to compare. That’s not what this is all about, it’s to see what others have and acknowledge how beautiful the bodies you see are and how much they resemble your body too. And I can not stress how you will come across a body like yours. The online world is big and you will find many beautiful bodies.

All photos are from Pintrest, which is a great place to start.

Let me know if you try this method and if it works for you . Enjoy.

Xxx Fran xxX