Give me some of that #PlusIsEqual Confidence, please….


I thought it would be a good idea to blog about post that has the most views on The Kurve Kit Facebook page each week ( well as regular as I can anyway ).

This week, it was the #PlusIsEqual by Lane Bryant catwalk clip. Press below to view clip.

The confidence that oooozes from the model was just magic. She walked that catwalk with nothing but sexiness, strength, and beauty.

I would like to think I could do the same, only when fully dressed. But with just underwear on would be a big issue for me. The thought of a nipple falling out, a wedgy, tripping over and everything spills out, like jelly dropping on the floor, would cripple me to doing anything so fierce. If I had extra sticky tape support and clingfilm wrapped around my breast and butt to ensure no spillage, I’m in.

This little clip was only around 6 seconds long, but showed how plus size women can do, just as good as a size 6 model would do on the catwalk. And with over 4 million views in total worldwide, I’m sure many people felt exactly the same as me.

You slayyyyyyyyyyed that catwalk lady and no one can take that away from you. NO ONE.

Xxx Fran xxX