An evening with the fantastic Jessamyn Stanley. NO YOGA, JUST GREAT CONVO!

An evening with the fantastic Jessamyn Stanley, NO YOGA, JUST GREAT CONVO!


When Donna from CurveSomeYoga told me that she will be holding an event with Jessamyn Stanley, I was like YESSSSSSSS! This is going to be fantastic. Just knowing how much Donna loves her work, I was very happy for Donna and happy enough to just go along and be in the moment. I really wasn’t ready for Jessamyn Stanley.


All I knew about Jessymyn was her ability to do some fantastic Yoga, things that a Fat Woman shouldn’t be able to do (according to society, but us plus size ladies know different). I had never heard her speak in an interview and I never knew how in tuned and woken this lady is.
I feel like I need to go read and listen to every interview she has done, just so I can get more of what I experienced on Friday. I’m no Yogi yet, I’m still a baby when It comes to Yoga, it’s like an ocean of information/ practices and I ain’t there yet, I need to keep up with what CurveSomeYoga classes do, before I go diving in.
Back to the event:


I got there late, which pissed me of, having to use the google maps when walking is the worst, (dyslexia and direction are the two double D’s you don’t want) but I was only about 10 minutes late, which wasn’t to bad.


Instantly when walking into the room all eyes were on Jessamyn, I was able to see a few familiar faces that have been on the Plus size Fitness scene but the intent of the listening that was going on was amazing.

We were all interested and feeling every word that came out of this woman’s mouth.
Jessamyn talks about schooling, her parents, being realistic when practicing, why she wears what she does when doing yoga and why she doesn’t dress up for pictures on social media while doing Yoga, why she got into teaching Yoga, how Yoga helped improve her Mental health, the importance of meditation, looking within and how that helps her be real.

To Jessamyn’s surprise, she was able to meet the founder of too fat to run, Julie Creffield (in picture above), who was in the audience. Jessamyn openly explained how much she had admired the cause and how she found Julie inspirational.

Jessamyn states the views of the industry which many people seemed to totally agree with.
What I like about Jessamyn the most is that she isn’t afraid to say things like it is, for example how the perception of yoga is a white female middle class practice and how the industry seem to exclude the real essence of what yoga is and in my eyes omit the true origin of yoga. How the unrealistic way that Yoga is mainly advertised can cause more harm than good.

I’m attraction to Yoga is the spiritual aspect of it and the internal feeling that I get, I’m not ready for back bends yet, lol. For me, I will start from the beginning, it’s like when I first started playing the flute as a child, I had to learn the basic and the theory before I was able to take any exams to show my skills. Right now, for me, I’m gonna embrace the feelings that I get from Yoga and tap into my true essence of me.

After basically running overtime, Jessamyn went to the pub and continued being the fantastic chick that she is and just mingled with the group. I wasn’t able to attend but got some great pics after and can’t wait to get learning more about this amazing lady.


Please please watch the interview, and enjoy the realness of the beautiful Jessamyn Stanley.


Xxx Fran xxX

Swap Till You Drop! Fat Positive London.

Caring is Sharing. So have a read and watch the YouTube link, LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT! And let me know if your coming to the next Fat Positive Clothes Swap. All information is given on the video.


Finding out what’s going on in the plus size community can be difficult at times, especially if you’re not a part of the Plus size bloggers seen or in any kind of social media group.


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I got 4 of these tops from the swap, all from yours clothing and all different colours, perfect for work wear.



So that’s why Kurve Kit dedicates itself to sharing all plus size information, with all who wants it or needs support in living a plus size life.

Getting current information can be hard work and you have to make it a mission to be in the know. It’s be bad enough finding clothes let alone anything else. It’s only been the last 6-8 years, that I have been able to find clothing that fits in my price range and understand what works well for me and my body.

Swap item, Primark owl top, I so love it!


When I started The Kurve Kit I came across the fat positive clothes swap on twitter, this just sounded like a great idea and it wasn’t too far for me to travel to. It was nice to get rid of all the clothes that I had piled up, just sitting there, that was way too good to throw and things that still had tags on.


When I got there I was in shock, with how easy it was to get around and understand how it all works and I also got chatting to some lovely folk who really seemed to be helpful and complimentary when trying on items.

I was able to take a picture of Kirsty one of the organiser (Alongside Claire who I haven’t had the pleasure to meet yet).

The lovely Kirsty one of the Organisers


Kirsty was happy for me to promote the event on The Kurve Kits social media sites. They also have food at the swap so if you want a bite to eat, you have the option.



When attending my forth Fat Positive Clothes Swap, I thought it was time to share the true essence of the swap. It wasn’t just about swapping clothes, it’s about acceptance, community, coming together and so much more.

While interviewing the wonderful, Michelle and Tukru who are just so endearing and sweet. They were able to express how they feel about the swap and also Kirsty explaining the reasons why it started in the first place, which also shocked me, because this has been happening for a years. 


Another swap item, Jacket from Lane Bryant, I was so happy and its made so well



Clothes swaps have been a trend for some time, but I know that I would never find items for my size at any old swap that wasn’t specifically for the plus size.  I can’t shout enough from the roof tops how great these days are, and I am actually happy to spend the day there. What’s even better is that friends who are size 16 plus, give me the items that they don’t want but still in good condition, to take along also. Along as I have my car and petrol,  I will continue to attend and give clothes. And when I get home and an item don’t fit or look exactly how I expected, it goes in a black bag and I take it right back to the next swap ready to be given a new home.


Hope you enjoyed the video, please share, like or subscribe to the channel, so you are constantly up to date with what I find on the streets of London and if you know of anything that we would enjoy let me know and i will help spread the word too.

One of my ultimate favorites from the swap, Asos Curve dress.


Xxx Fran xxX

NUDITY WARNING. In praise of NOWNESS and their Fat Video


I have just watched, NOWNESS video, Define Beauty:in praise of fat film, Heavyweight staring Vanity Fox and Brock Avery.

When starting to watch this video, I had no idea of where it was going!

Once I saw the stretch marks and I know this may sound a bit bad but, all I could think of was, OMG! they look like mine. Before you start, no I don’t have any issues with mine or hers.

Then I paused the video, just to really think about what is going to happen in the space of 1.40 minutes, so I continued. Then to my horror  I saw the water dripping down her body, I couldn’t stop thinking, Ohhh why have sweat running down a fat woman, its just so of putting. Like all we do is sweat, even when its not hot, for Pete’s sake.  Hopefully, the fact that the water was horrific to ME, will make sense the more you read .

Then the music started, which shit me up to be fair, ( I WAS WEARING HEADPHONES) I really wasn’t expecting it to be so dramatic. Was there a pop up that spoilt my viewing. You know those ones that really like to spoil things for you on the laptop, all of a sudden a voice or music from somewhere starts in the laptop devise, which take you up to a good few minutes to actually find out where it s coming from. Anyway I digress. The music was like an intense fight that you see on a film that starts of slow and builds up to someone seriously getting hurt.

I then had to start the video all over again, but while doing this, I then got thinking about the name Heavyweight. What do they really mean by this? Is Vanity Fox the heavyweight or Brock, because he was taking care of business? Are they implying that men who love intimacy with a plus size woman should be given the title heavyweight?


So I continued to watch (AGAIN). Brock was really getting into the groping and everything, he was happy to divulge himself into to her whole body. Which I can imagine people out there cheering him on. lol

Then i suddenly went back to my original HORROR, (OK! So now you guys must realise by this point, when I get stuck on something, I don’t rest until it makes sense to me, which is the reasons why it becomes HORRIFIC )  the water! Is it suppose to represent something else?


Was it his love runneth over,  lolololol, if you know what i mean. Was it her love runneth over? They really wasn’t doing anything so strenuous that sweat could have developed, no shower , sink or bath was present. She wasn’t drinking water or anything like that, was it dribble? No really!What was it supposed to blooming be. YES I AM OBSESSING ABOUT THE WATER,  SO IF YOU HAVE A THEORY PLEASE COMMENT, HELP ME OUT HERE.


What I actually loved about this clip, was the fact that, when all was over and a shot of Vanity’s whole body appeared, her face spoke volumes.


What was she thinking? was it:

A, You just wished you just had all of this, like he did.

B, You didn’t realise fat could look so good.

C, This is what ya’ll missin.

D, Wow, i wasnt even expecting that.

E, Ladies this is how its done.

F, I am a true goddess and every inch of me, should be worshipped.

What did you think that last look was all about?


Overall, I liked it ALOT. Heavyweight was intense, had me wanting to see it till the end, I  was also happy to sit back and identify  which parts of the body i was seeing on my screen. I was engrossed, in how he was in an element of indulgence using all his senses to consume every part of her body all at once. And to finish with that look on her face, just topped it of for me. I felt an emotion, cant pinpoint which one.  She gave me a sense of YOU GO GIRL, you ARE HOT and he enjoyed every bit of you. But it still leaves me with the BLOODY WATER.

Full Video below.

Xxx Fran xxX

Kurve Kit Presents Kurve Konfidential

So this weekend, The Kurve Kit YouTube channel started, with the new series Kurve Konfidential.

The Keys To Confidence, Episode 1 Part 1 of Kurve Konfidential.

I’m so excited, I have some lovely ladies on there and I just can’t wait to have regular content up. We have so much in store.

I have wanted to do this for some time and things are moving in the direction I want them to go. I have so much support its unreal and people who are helping with sending out the messages that I want to get out their.

This has never been about me. Only the Kurve Kit WordPress blog gives you most of my thoughts and feelings that I need to get of my chest. But with the YouTube, Twitter,  and Facebook pages are mainly soley focused on the plus size community. Bare in mind a lot of what I say, share, and talk about can be very relative to the slim community too, as its not only the plus size community that have challenges in their lives.

I also want to thank these beautiful souls, for supporting the beginning of something new and special, I just hope that you all will feel the same way. Please Subscribe, Like, Comment  and Share.

Judi Love

Tanya B

Kat Henry

Michelle Carter

Likwid design solutions

All links to their pages are on the YouTube description box and on the Episodes.

Plus all my family and friends that honestly believe in all I do and support me in reaching my goals. If it wasn’t for you guys, I don’t know where I would be right now.

I honestly hope you enjoy The Kurve Kit on YouTube and if you don’t let me why. And once again thank you all for reading, watching, supporting, commenting and sharing. I love you guys, it’s because of you why I keep going.

Xxx Fran xxX

How Naked selfies and other beautiful plus size bodies are helping me accept mine. 🙈🙊💪👍👌🙌

Apart of my plus size journey is getting used to seeing myself, all of myself. So I have been taking selfies on a regular basis. But trying to get the best angle is a nightmare.

Getting used to the size of your face or body takes time. You see everyone else in a picture and they look normal, but when looking at yourself, this seems to be very alien, when your not used to it. So this leed me to embarked on my selfie journey.


A very good friend and I send pictures to each other without much clothes on, more so her than me, Lol. Which has been very helpful, as we both give positive commentary in regards to what we see. My friend suggested we need to get looking at other women’s plus size bodies.

This may not help everyone, I REPEAT, This isn’t something that will work for everybody.

There will be many people with their opinions and reasons why this won’t work for everyone, can I just remind those of you who want to start moaning. I didn’t say it will work for everyone, but it’s worked for me OK, and its my blog and I will say what the F📢🔊K I like.


I’m now going to be very honest, 🙊 I looked at plus size pornography 😱😁 as I wanted to really see what other ladies look like. And I’m not ashamed to say it, it’s there and I needed to see if my body is as different or as odd shaped as I thought. 😯

Can I stress, I’m not a lesbian 😂😂😂, just in case anyone has been wondering. I wanted to see folds, Big thighs, big breast, big arms, that hasn’t been choppped, changed or made smaller.

I needed to see real plus sized natural bodies. I needed to see something real as my mind has been conditioned with all these “so called” perfect bodies. Which didn’t look anything like mine or anyone else’s that I know.

This got me thinking about how my mind wasn’t able to process how good my body is, due to the unavailability of bodies like mine.

But there are more and more places on the internet that show plus size bodies, to help society in get to grips with real bodies of all shapes and sizes

I don’t suggest everyone do this. But it did help me, in the sense of seeing that my body shape and size really wasn’t as alien as I thought and to be honest, having three kids and including a C section, it isn’t as bad at all. 🙂


I regularly compliment a woman on how good she looks, no matter what size she is. So I need to be able to compliment my own. So be careful where you look if you do decide to. It’s best to find stills of plus size naked women and you can find this nearly anywhere all over the internet, trust me. But I also bet you will see many bodies that are very similar to yours.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER IS , that you are not doing this to compare. That’s not what this is all about, it’s to see what others have and acknowledge how beautiful the bodies you see are and how much they resemble your body too. And I can not stress how you will come across a body like yours. The online world is big and you will find many beautiful bodies.

All photos are from Pintrest, which is a great place to start.

Let me know if you try this method and if it works for you . Enjoy.

Xxx Fran xxX

Most Viewed Post Of The Week, Depaul And Single Ladies 👏👏👏👏👏👏

Here is the most viewed post of the week.


Yes, Depaul did it. He put it down and danced till you can’t dance no more. He showed how us plus size people can get down. Size ain’t nothing but a number, and you can dance just as good as the skinny girl or guy next door.

I would also like to say that I’m a little bit of a dance freak when I’m in the mood ( no really, its true! ). Just going to a party and really dancing away, with no care in the world, is something that i look forward too. If there is an event and good music, I’m on the dance floor showing what I got and I don’t care who sees me or what anyone may think. But what I do know is that, I’m go show you how this SHIT is done.

Recently post of plus size women and men dancing have been posted online with nothing but support and encouragement.
such as Roz the Diva with her Pole dancing.

and pole dancer Eda

Plus size group Pretty Big

One of my absolute favorites is Dana Yakar who just dances so beautifully. I have always wanted to do belly dancing and she just inspires me even more

Not only can she dance but she is very beautiful too.

This brings me to the end of Most Viewed this week. But be sure to let me know who your Favourite Plus Size Dancer is. Have a great week people.


Xxx Fran xxX

Can Simply Be, Really Be For Me?

So, I’m not a Simply Be kind of girl, I don’t know why. They just haven’t grown on me as much as I wish and frankly I find their prices for SOME items just a bit to high, for me. Yes I am a big bargain hunter. But I don’t feel that I have tried on enough Simply Be items to out rule them out of my life.


I see a lot of ladies in their clothes on blogs and the adverts on TV are amazing, but! I still just don’t see anything that says buy me on their website apart from what gets advertised. Oh No, I Lie, one dress that I got for my sister’s wedding.




So as the adverts are so tempting, I felt I better go to the store on Oxford street and take a good look. While on my enjoyable bus journey, I convinced myself to stay open-minded and be adventurous, find something that I don’t usually wear. And also find something that I do wear all the time.



I got to the store and went straight to the sale section as I usually do. And unfortunately found nothing that was really me or something that I could be adventurous with. I like flowers but not that much.

Anyways, when looking in the non sale sections, I saw a few things that caught my eye, mainly a pleated leather look skirt that unfortunately had the smaller sizes and none of the bigger ones, which I need. I also saw this white shirt that called me so much that I had to try it on. I don’t wear shirts often at all. Only due to my gaping breast. But this had no buttons.

I then picked up some jeans and a pencil skirt with another yellow shirt that just looked like it could brighten up the darkest days.

So items that I would usually wear are, skinny jeans and skirts.

Items that I don’t usually wear are shirts, at all, standardly.

I feel in love with both of these shirts. Colour and fit. And I will say that I feel they look good too. Plus the jeans fit very nicely and had a good amount of stretch in them. Also I can’t forget the changing room, so spacious and lit up beautifully.

I wasn’t to impressed with the tube skirt, if it came in more at the bottom, I think I would be happy but it was just to baggy, not to say it didn’t look nice but I like my skirts tight. I suppose I could have got a smaller size but don’t think that would really work.

And lastly, the sizes in store. Especially the nice leather look pleated skirt. If an item is selling out fast, you better get stocking up on them very quickly. As the amount of stores that simply be have, you really don’t want the disappointment of not seeing something in your size in store.

Overall. My trip wasn’t that bad, actually it was pretty good. For general wardrobe wear, I can’t bring myself to buy items from Simply Be unless they are in the sale, ( tbh I buy most things in the sale) but if I really wanted something, I WOULD buy a full priced item from Simply Be.

Xxx Fran xxX

Most Viewed Facebook Post Of The Week…..

Most Facebook views of the week is……….


Press below to view link.

Somehow I came across this post and I just had to share. Firstly the ladies outfit was spectacular from what I could see.


Her bright orange flared trousers and her crochet top looked beautiful from the back.


The way she danced only ment one thing, and that she ment business.

Then it happened, she jumped he caught her and with the sultry dancing that they both displayed before the lift, it was a dance that set the whole place on fire.

The crowd could only raw in excitement from what they saw.

Which was a medium size man who may I say was getting on down, to a plus size lady that he was able to pick up and maintain a dance in a way that only lovers should do.

With the anticipation building from when the lady took a jump onto his waist, he was able to grab hold of her and take full control in all his glory.

It worked and I am so glad he was able to show his strength and she was able to show her flexibility.

To round up this week’s spectacular post, I want to give those guys who know, their way around a plus size lady a big 👍💪✋👌
Until next week.

Xxx Fran xxX

Fears of the unknown, while trying not to get your confidence blown.💣💥

I know to many people, I appear confident which I am to a degree. but most of my life my focus has been on everyone else, which would be through, friends, work or family.


Since starting The Kurve Kit Facebook page late March, this year.  My aim is to reach as much plus size people with fashion support and information, to help build confidence in living a plus size life. A friend of mine stated that I need to put a name to the face so people can relate to me even more, which I completely understand and feel is true.

Sharing pictures of myself on my personal Facebook page is easy, as I have friends and acquaintances on there and they all know me, but when having to post pictures and information of myself to people who I don’t know, somewhat makes me nervous. This opens me up for ridicule, judgement and just nasty comments from people who I do not know, but mostly do not understand the difficulties that I sometimes  face in regards to the way I look.


I see so many women on social media who are plus size and constantly post pictures of themselves, in bikinis, lovely outfits, eating out and so on. That I have nothing but admiration for and support them whole heartedly, so why do I not have this admiration for myself ?

Well this is my time to put myself out there and really go hard in practicing what I preach. So I have decided I will now try to post at least one picture a week of myself on The Kurve Kit Facebook page and open the doors to me. This is my journey and in order to REALLY help and support others ( in not giving a shit about what others, who don’t know them,  have to say), i Firstly need to not give a flying F$$K too.

Xxx Fran xxX